Sunday, March 27, 2011

123rd Surfman Award:Mike Grell & The Longbow Hunters

Back in the 80s a friend at University turned me on to Mike Grell's "The Longbow Hunters". It was a 3 part tale that updated the Green Arrow/Oliver Queen to a more modern and and I like to think sophisticated audience that didn't want to see any trick arrows and such. It was gritty and realistic and had a sense of pace throughout the story that made you excited to turn the page. I was quite pleased to read a tale that featured The Green Arrow alone and not sharing the bill with another comic hero. The mini series was nominated for an Eisner and led to the first ever on-going series for Green Arrow. Last weekend at Wizard World Toronto I had a chance to meet Mike Grell and tell him about how much I loved his writing and got my books signed by him.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

122nd Surfman Award: Toronto Bike Show

This past weekend, was the bike show. It is a great place to buy gear and bikes at a reduced price. I usually wait until the show to buy all of my gear for the year. I have yet to buy a bike there but next year I may just purchase a new winter bike. Discovered Globe Bicycles there and really liked what I saw, and very afordable as well. Also spoke to a teacher/founder of The Winterborne Bicycle Institute, a great place to get certification for bike mechanics. May just have to sign up for a course or two.