Sunday, October 28, 2007

50th Surfman Award: Toronto Blue Jays

Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the park, pop corn and penuts and craker jacks, I don't care if I ever come back...cause its one! two! three strikes your out in the ole ball game. Ah what a feeling to sit a few rows from the field and watch our cities beloved Blue Jays. Its been a few years since we won the World Series but oh what wins they were. Back to back in 92 & 93, I remember it like it was yesterday. Every time I go a game I have to wear my Blue Jays jersey with the '91 All Star game crest on the sleeve. This is my lucky jersey that I wore while watching the lads in the playoffs back in '92 & '93, and they won their second last game of this season, albeit with no playoffs in site...there is always next year, right?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

49th Surfman Award: Noah

This week's good cheer goes out to the newest member of the herd - Noah. Born on the 20th of September, weighing in at an awesome 9 pounds. He is so mighty that he was able to almost immediately lift his head when his name was called, pretty freaking amazing if I do say so! My west coast amigos Andrew and Shauna are the proud parents of this new lad, and we whom live in the centre of the universe are trilled and overjoyed for the safe arrival of this little miracle. May the days to come be filled with love, joy and excitement.