Sunday, August 27, 2006

24th Surfman Award: BikeCourierCommunity

Originally uploaded by the surfman.
This week's award goes to the very deserving Toronto Bike Couriers. Recently I had made an error in judgement and parked my bicycle somewhere I should not have, taking up valuable courier bike real estate. When I finished my shift at work, I discovered this note attached to my 50 year old bicycle. At first I was upset, but than my inner voice said, they had every right to do that and I felt embarrassed that I had offended a group of hard working individuals that I have always considered myself a friend of. My apologies ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for the heads up. Being a year round cyclist myself, I can well understand the conditions that you all experience every day, and there is no excuse for taking up your reserved spaces, especially when you have limited time to make deliveries.
No hard feelings & all the best,
Your friend, the Surfman.