Sunday, September 19, 2010

113th Surfman Award: Ryder Hesjedal

It will be a grand day when a Canadian wins the Tour De France, and I for one think that Mr Ryder Hesjedal has a better than average chance. He finished 7th this year and surprised many people and really got us fellow Canadians dreaming about one of our own winning the top bicycle race in the world. Today in Toronto, we were treated to an awesome race around Queen's Park Circle, Ryder came 3rd and continues to impress us with his mad cycling skills and sportsmanship. Before the race he signed my bicycle helmet and I was quite pleased. I really hope that Ryder can generate more exposure on cycling in Canada and show our fellow Canadians that there is an alternative way of transportation besides the car. Toronto for one is not a very friendly bicycle city and I truly dream of a better tomorrow where cyclists are endeared as friends of the environment and healthy lifestyles not just obstacles for cars. From one Wheelman to another, thanks Ryder for agreeing to race in Toronto, you rock dude!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

112th Surfman Award: Tommy Douglas

This man is my pick for the best and brightest that Canada has ever produced. If not for his forward thinking, we would not have a healthcare system where everybody has access to free care and treatment. Now, I am not saying that we do not have problems with our healthcare system in Canada today, thanks to many of the politicians that masquerade as public servants "for the people". However, if not for Tommy, we would be just like the States. I for one salute you Mr. Douglas, and I wish you were still here representing every single Canadian, not just those of priviledge.