Sunday, November 16, 2008

77th Surfman Award: Remembrance Day

I really believe that we should always be thankful of the sacrifices that our ancestors made for our freedom during WWI & II. Both my grandfathers fought in WWII and my one grandfather fought in both I & II, joining up at 15 during the first one. I couldn't even imagine how he dealt with it afterwards, but he came back to Canada, got married and had six children and than joined up for the second one, because he felt that is what you do...all I can say is that he was made of tough stock, because to know the man, you would never had known he had seen such horrors...I still miss him to this day!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

76th Surfman Award: BARACK OBAMA

This week we have seen history in the making with the election of America's first African American President. I am so thrilled and overjoyed I can hardly think straight. I really feel that President Elect Obama will do great things for not only America but the World. I know that he has a lot of hurdles ahead of him but he will make a difference, I just know it. I only wish that Martin Luther King Jr could have been here to see it...for a president in America has been choosen "not based on the colour of his skin, but on the content of his character", and oh what excellent character President Elect Obama has.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

75th Surfman Award: Dave Gibbons - Watchmen Talk & Signing

Today, at the World's Biggest Bokkstore, Dave Gibbons regaled fans of Watchmen with many a story about working on the series, and lets not forget that this originated as a 12 issue comic series, before it bacame the graphic novel sensation it is known as today, but I digress, that is just my own personal bias of issue vs graphic novel...anyways, Dave spoke for about 1 hour and than gave a short Q&A, followed by a 3 limit signing. This appearance coincided with the release of Dave's new book Watching the Watchmen designed by the talented Chip Kidd, who recently released his own book Bat-Manga, but thats another story. Anyways, this new book of Dave's is a collection of all the odd bits of drawings, notes, Alan Moore scripts and issue time-line charts. I can't wait to check it out on Dec.25th, I decided to wrap it up as present for myself until than. Yeah - crazy!!

Dave sitting back and having a laugh with event's moderator Mark Askworth from the Space Channel.

Signed. sealed and delivered...Issue #1, Graphic Novel, First Printing & the new book.