51st Surfman Award: The Boy Cat

It is with the deepest sadness that I say that our beloved boy cat has passed the earthly realm into I hope another dimesion of the time space continum. T and me miss him so much, we can't stop thinking about him. The vet came to our house Wednesday and helped ease his pain while he died with us cuddling him and telling him how much we love him. He was sick for awhile and we did everything we could to make his life better, but the last few days we knew it was time and we didn't want him to suffer. I wish he was with me know. He would come and sit on my lap and butt his head against my arm, cause he wanted some attention and he would also press his nose against mine and T's wherever we happened to be sitting. Another sad thing is that our girl cat, who is the boy's sister constantly looks around the house for her brother...it makes us well up with tears when we see that. The two of them use to raom the house together in their little wolf pack, checking everything out and getting up to great adventures...and the way they slept together was so cute, they looked like a yin/yang symbol. I had a dream the night that he passed away that me and the boy cat were on my old hercules bike riding down a big hill...I'm not sure what it means, but I like to think that the boy cat was telling me that everything is ok and don't be sad. T, me and the girl cat will miss you dearly boy cat. Thank you for all your love and hilarity.