Sunday, January 14, 2007

32nd Surfman Award: Andrew

Originally uploaded by the surfman.
This week's highly coveted "Surfman" goes to my amigo Andrew, who is so deserving of this honour for his self sacrificing ways. He is taking care of his father-in-law for 3 months after he has hip-replacement surgery. Andrew is a trained physiotherapist, who will have his "bc-pops" up and running in no time at all. I should add that Andrew is doing this, while continuing a very challengeing Masters program in psychology. I am truly amazed by my pal and feel honoured to be his friend. The picture that accompaines this photo was taken at the Battle of Little Bighorn site, and Andrew is wearing his Buffalo horns while two large Buffalos sit and gaze at him in the distance. The Buffalos and the Surfmen approve buddy.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

31st Surfman Award: Bowling

Originally uploaded by the surfman.
My first Surfman of the NEW YEAR 2007 goes to the very fine sport of Bowling, which I'm sure "the dude"(Big Lebowski reference) would concur with. Over 100 million people in 90 countries participate in Bowling, with more converts joining every day. British anthropoligist Sir Flinders Petrie discovered evidence of a bowling like game in the 1930s in Egypt. He found ancient objects in a grave that were used for the game. The artifacts have been dated back to 3200 bc, effectively making bowling over 5000 years old. This is a picture of the surfman holding his prized "tilly" bowling bowl and wearing his new "john deere" beltbuckle. Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!