Sunday, January 29, 2006

3rd Surfman Award : Karina&Jason

Originally uploaded by the surfman.
This weekend T & me had the pleasure of being the guests of Karina & Jason in Ottawa, Canada. They took us skating on the canal, brunch at the Cosy, thrifting at the St. Vincent de Paul, riding old bikes at the Science & Technolgy Museum, Cosmic Bowling with a great bunch from Recycle, a bike coop in Ottawa that provides used bicycles at very reasonable prices. THANK YOU Karina & Jason for your hospitality and spoiling us during our visit to your beautiful city and thank you Karina for driving us home. You guys have the "surfmen" right stuff!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

2nd Surfman Award : Sam M.B.A.

Originally uploaded by the surfman.
For your tireless work as a shop steward and member of The Teamsters for a Democratic Union fighting against a tyranny of injustice. For never letting "the man" get you down, for putting yourself in harm's way against some very powerful forces, and for your flawless representation of employees against management - this Surfman Award goes to you my friend. Keep up the good fight Sam!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

1st Surfman Award : Elliott Brood

elliottEvery week I plan to talk about a person or group, that bestows upon the rest of us a feeling of happiness. This week it is the band Elliott Brood. These lads know how to spin a yarn and keep our toes tapping to a rockin' beat, albeit one that has been described as "death country". Mark with his banjo, Casey with his lightening fast guitar licks ( I hope he hasn't been to the crossroads to acquire this speed), and Steve with his suitcase kickdrum force even the most sedate (me) of us off our chairs and on to the dance floor to get a better view of these mysterious fellows. Having met all them, I can honestly say in the words of one Royal Tenenbaum, you guys are "true blue!". Thanks and keep up the good merriment.