89th Surfman Award: The Archers of Caledon
What would an archery range be without some early archery humour.
There were these elaborate huge arrows painted on each wall of the archery range, which provided a perfect decor to break out our long bows and let fly some arrows of our own.
One of my fellow Long Bowman letting lose some arrows on target.
This is an awesome picture. It was the first thing i noticed when I walked into the Caledon facility, it looks like a circa 1960-1970 Canadian archery tournament. Love how everybody is dressed in white, very cool.
Bulleseye!! Nuff said.
Love the archery illustrations on the black board.
This past weekend, my archery group took to the open road to visit the most amazing archery facility in Caledon. It was a space dedicated soley to archery, whereas our group in Hogtown has to share our facility with a number various martial arts organizations. This archery facility has accomadation for indoor and outdoor shooting. We had to be content with the indoor this time due to the weather.