Sunday, August 12, 2007

44th Surfman Award: Following Our Dreams

This week, I wanted to write about all those sentient beings that have the courage to follow their dreams. From my two best mates that serve a counselling role in the world, to my artist wife to my brother-in-law pursuing his documentary (see picture).
Today, I am at a cross-roads in my chosen career, and would love to go back to school to pursue something more fullfilling. Of course this is easier said than done becuase I have responsibilities and committements and my wife to consider in any decision that is made, and I wouldn't want it any other way. In fact she is one of my inspirations, and I know that as difficult as career changes can be, we will come up with a solution. I am not afraid of adversity, it is regret that I wish to avoid. I'd rather not say "If only....".