Recently T & me had the pleasure of vacationing in lovely San Miguel, Mexico. The weather was 25 celius and sunny every day, and no humidity...pure bliss. I am ready to retire there and enjoy a daily siesta between 2-4pm. It was so nice to escape our winter storms, I am so sick of snow...please let it be over. The picture that accompanies this post was taken by my lovely wife T of these most excellent dudes and their guitars, the pic just says Mexico. There appears to be a really strong infrastructure set up between the retired North Americans and Europeans and the Mexican residents of San Miguel, it is a relationship that appears to benifit all parties. At first I did not want to go but I ended up having a wonderful time full of many adventures discovering new and exciting sites and faboulous brunch places set w/n various gardens around the city. And a special thank-you to my mother-in-law Anne for acting as our tour guide and chauffer, she is the best!
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