59th Surfman Award: The Great Toronto Snowstorm of 2008

No that is not everest as a backdrop for my prayer flags, just part of the mountain of snow that reaches ever high toward the sky in our little oasis of a backyard. I believe we have achieved the record for the most snow fallen in a season, which was 207.4 centimetres back in 1939. Ah 1939! It was a good year if you were a comic book fan, Bob Kane created Batman and our own Joe Shuster along with his pal Jerry Sigal created Superman. However, if you were a hockey fan you were disappointed to see your hometown Leafs get defeated by the Boston Bruins...maybe this year we can make a another stanley cup final - yeah, probably not likely eh? Anyways, I digress, the snowfall that we are getting this year has been hard for many of us travelling to and from work and just trying to carry on our normal day to day activities. I have not shovelled this much ever, in fact after 2 hours of heaving the old snowflakes over my shoulder today, I am quite sore and in need of lots of R&R. My sweet T made me crapes after with a nice cup of tea. I guess its all how you look at it, it will continue to snow whether we want it too or not, so we might as well make the most of it.
babe- we made it!
i think winter is finally over!
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