Sunday, June 15, 2008

66th Surfman Award: Sparton Radio Company

I was cycling around our neighbourhood with my wife the other day and we spotted this beautiful 1932 Vintage Sparton Radio being placed outside a house for their big yard sale the next day. After getting the go ahead from my wife, I asked how much they were selling it for and could we buy it before the sale started. Fifty bills later, we were the proud new owners of this time contraption to a bygone era. The gentleman selling it said they were selling things as fast as they were placing them outside their house, we were very lucky to have just cycled by at the right time. In fact, shortly after we bought it, another couple pulled their car over to make enquiries about it, only to be told they were too late. As soon as T & me got it home, we plugged it in and sat around the way whole families did back in the day. It was truly a surreal experience, as the programs & music that were being played were exactly what we imagined the first owners would have listened was quite bizarre. Did we pick-up a strange time-travelling apparatus that allowed us to fuse the time - space continum or were our imaginations getting the better of us? Doesn't really matter does it, cause our toes will be tapping to a Louis Armstrong number night after night.


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