64th Surfman Award: June is Bike Month

This is my favourite time of year, because its all about the bike. Today was the Bells on Bloor ride from High Park to Queens Park, protesting the lack of bicycle lanes on Bloor street. It appears that there were twice as many riders this year than last year's maiden voyage. Tomorow is the very awesome ride to work/pancake breakfast at City Hall. Riders meet at certain spots around the city, and than converge at Yonge/Bloor at 8 a.m., and than ride together as a group to City Hall. I am for any event that promotes cycling as a transportation alternative to the automobile. For the first time this year, our fair city has named June as "Bike Month", which is great rocognition for those of us that favour pedal power over gas power. Another great thing about 2008 is the grand unveiling of our very own Cyclist Union, that will unite all cyclist together as one very powerful voice. Membership can be yours for the low fee of $2 per month, and that is a bargain. It is my hope that our fair metropolis will one day be on par with great bicycle friendly cities like Amsterdam and San Francisco...dare we dream??
Good words.
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