119th Surfman Award: I am a bicycle riding & art loving PINKO

As you may all know, recently new Mayor Rob Ford had Don Cherry attend his inauguration and Don referred to all of us Toronto
citizens who ride bikes and enjoy art and lean our politics to the left as PINKOS. Well I for one, am extremely proud to be a PINKO!! Mr. Ford should realize that he represents all Toronto citizens, not just the people who drive cars and live outside the inner core. The inner core of Toronto is made up of many many family oriented neighborhoods where some people choose to not own a car and use a bicycle or the TTC as transportation or belong to companies like Autoshare if they need a car, thus doing their bit to leave a lighter foot print on the environment...you think somebody who got himself elected Mayor would understand that. I really hope that council can keep this new Mayor in check, but time will tell. I miss David Miller already.
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